- Courses are built around real-life problem scenarios for student interest
- Many of the problems are based on Utah for a personal touch
- Each problem module has these components
- Problem presentation
- Problem analysis
- Problem content
- Learning objectives
- Textbook resources (Calc 2 links to 2 OER textbooks)
- Content videos
- Worked example videos
- Additional learning resources such as demos, interactive figures, etc.
- Online homework problems (WebAssign for Calc I and MyOpenMath for Calc II (OER integrated into Canvas)
- Written HW problems to be written out with steps, scanned and submitted in Canvas
- Problem solution
- Courses have synchronous reviews and office hours/help in Adobe Connect
- There are over 600 videos that I made between the 2 courses and if I see areas where there seems to be some confusion or lots of questions about, I make more :)
Here is a
short video showing a problem module and explaining the corresponding components