I am applying for merit pay based on my performance for the 2015-16 school year. This has again been a very busy, but rewarding year.  I put in at least 60+ hour weeks in order to keep up with my teaching and other activities listed below. I have exceptional performance in Teaching, Professional Activity and Service.  Recent accomplishments for 2015-16 are listed below.

Teaching is of utmost importance to me. 

·    I am always well prepared for class and give students my best.  This is my TOP priority. 

·    I receive very positive feedback from students and have been able to help many students succeed this year, several of which have previously struggled in math classes.  I work to build positive attitudes and good study habits with a non-threatening class atmosphere.  See student evaluation ratings and comments.

·    I love interacting with students. I regularly have students come to my office to get extra help and I have online office hours using Adobe connect (including evenings which work best for many students).  In addition, I’ve been helping Math 1080 students with their questions. I have an approachable nature and students find themselves comfortable asking questions until they understand.

·    Since I’m at Jordan with more limited help options for students, I schedule extra review sessions for tests and the final.  These are well attended and lower key and students appreciate the extra help and I enjoy interacting with them.

·    I am teaching trigonometry utilizing the OER book and materials.  I’ve built active learning classroom activities which are posted so other instructors can use them. I’ve also revamped the MyOpenMath homework for this course and provided feedback on projects and materials provided to all faculty as we continue to refine this course using open educational resources.

·    I spent a lot of time transferring my website (college is shutting down the server).  I’m updating extensive videos and powerpoint tutorials and homework examples for intermediate and college algebra, trigonometry, and Calculus I and II. I’ve been transferring videos to YouTube and I’ve created my own channel.  These resources are used by SLCC students and across the world.

·     I encouraged three of my students (Calculus II students from Itineris Early College High School) to participate in the SME Symposium and helped them with their application, abstract, prep work.  I attended and helped them set up. They got 2nd place in the demonstration category!

   This past academic year I have done several things in the area of professional activity.

  • I attended and presented with Ruth Trygstad at the League of Innovations STEMTech Conference sharing our OER work. 
  • I serve on the program committee for ICTCM.
  • I attended the ICTCM conference and led a two hour hands-on workshop for faculty on making math videos. 
  • At the ICTCM conference, I was honored as an ICTCM Fellow. The Fellows recognition honors not only the excellent, but the extraordinary, who have reached a level of expertise achieved by only a few colleagues in teaching mathematics.
  • I taught a national professional development Webinar for AMATYC "Calculus Alive!" on my active learning calculus classes.
  • At their request, I submitted to present on this topic at the next AMATYC conference (I will be doing so in November).
  • I attended the pre-session of ICTCM on Making Math Accessible and took all of the information gleaned back to the MAWG.
  • I am participating in a project on active learning with the keynote speaker for AMATYC (the project will be presented there).
  • I am mentoring a Professor from Kalamazoo Community College who is on sabbatical to learn how to flip her calculus classroom use the active calculus approach.  She spent two different weeks attending and observing my classes. She is also an observer in both of my online calculus classes. I continue to help her as she has questions while she is putting things together.

I actively serve the college, math department and students.  I participate in a timely manner on book and final review committees, mentoring adjuncts, tenure committees, etc. and consider those things a basic part of my job and therefore not listed specifically below. 

  • I serve on the Math Accessibility Working Group (MAWG) which meets bi-monthly.  I was on a panel for professional development day on accessibility.  I will present at the AHEAD Conference this July on the work accomplished by MAWG.
  • I serve on the Math 1030 OER course committee which meets weekly providing info on teaching online and problem-motivated courses (patterned after my calculus work) and sharing ideas for online course and student interaction and Canvas in general.
  • I am on the advisory committee for Math 1060 and give feedback and advice.  Ruth Trygstad often stops by my office to get help or advice on the project.  I am building the MyOpenMath course to correlate with her work for this course.
  • I serve as a co-coordinator of Math 1210 and provide materials and guidance for faculty interested in teaching “active calculus” (four have incorporated the flipped classroom using my videos and materials, and several others that use the materials or videos in various ways).  They copy my extensive Canvas course which includes videos, class active learning activities, just-in-time algebra and trig review using MyOpenMath, active learning activities and weekly reflections.
  • I continue to train both full-time and adjunct faculty on using MyOpenMath and provide help using this program, including its integration into Canvas.  I have provided troubleshooting, advice and tutorials.
  • I’m a proponent of OER and reviewed the new OpenStax Calculus book.  This summer (on my own time) I will be converting the online calculus courses to utilize this book.  I participated in a video for Utah OER’s site sharing my OER experiences.
  • I was a keynote speaker at the UVU Instructional Designer’s Summit speaking on STEM Online.
  • At e-Learning’s request, I made a video sharing some of the features in my Canvas courses to share with other faculty.
  • I have been working with an adjunct faculty at Jordan in addressing student complaints and issues with the course.  I’ve met extensively with both the faculty member and students and provided materials and guidance and continue to do so.
  • Next week I will be helping a faculty member make videos for the new Math 0980 course, providing equipment and expertise.

I love teaching, working with students and colleagues and sharing what I know to contribute to their success!


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